Ex.no: 1


          A Computer is a multipurpose electronic device that can receive, process and store data. They are used as tools in every part of society together with the internet. Computer nowadays are complex there are a lot of different components inside them, and they all serve different purpose.

ICT Tools
          Computer, laptop, Internet, Interactive, Whiteboard, Tablet PC, iPad, iPhone, Mobile Phones, Digital Cameras, Multimedia equipment’s (audio/video), Skype & Video – Conferencing. Hence it is called as ICT Tools

1) Computer 
        Computer is an electronic device that is designed to work with Information. The term computer is derived from the Latin term ‘computare’, this means to calculate or programmable machine. Computer can not do anything without a Program. It represents the decimal numbers through a string of binary digits. The Word ‘Computer’ usually refers to the Center Processor Unit plus Internal memory.
Uses of Computer:
               1. A Computer helps you to type a document.
        2. A Computer helps you to listen to music.
        3. A computer helps you to use the internet.
        4. A computer helps you to send e-mail.
        5. A computer helps you to play games.
       6. A computer helps you to chat with friends.
Uses of Computer in  Education:
      1. Getting the right kind of information is a major challenge as is getting information to make sense.
         2. College students spend an average of 5-6 hours a week on the internet.
         3. Research shows that computers can significantly enhance performance in learning.
       4.  Students exposed to the internet say  they think the web has helped them improve the quality  of their academic  research and of their written work.


          A laptop combines the components, inputs, outputs and capabilities of a desktop including display ,keyboard and mouse.
Uses of  laptop
         1. Through the laptop, you can do your work anywhere you want.
         2.  The laptop can be carried anywhere you can work on your laptop at home or office as per your convenience.
Uses of laptop in Education:
              Using laptops in  classrooms will  help the students to learn to type quickly and accurately, they can record notes much faster than writing by hand.
     Technology is used in conducting research, developing the materials,managing  the student information, and communicating with the colleagues, the students, and the parents.


        The  Internet is the global system of interconnected computer networks that use the internet  protocol  suite to link  devices worldwide.  It is a network of networks that  consists of government  networks  of local  to global  scope, linked  by a broad  array of  electronic, wireless, and optical  networking technologies.  The Internet carries an extensive range  of  information resources  and services, such as the inter-linked  hypertext  documents electronic  mail,telephony, and peer-to-peer networks for  file sharing.
Uses  of Internet
                  3.Search for Relevant information.
                  4.Book Tickets.
                  5.Shop online.
              It is reported that  the first  thing  that 90% of  internet  uses do  when  they connected   to  the net  is  to check  if  they have received  any  emails. Internet has  drastically  changed the  email pattern  and has  made  it incredibly  fast.
             It is hard  to  find an  Internet   user, who has  not  used it  to  download music  and  movies. Apart from  it, there  are lots of  other  things that  can be  downloaded
using  internet  as well.
3.Search  for relevant  information
             If you  are  not sure  about  something, then  one of  the  easiest way  to  know more  about   it  is by  searching  it on  internet. Internet has  got a  huge  database of  information on  almost every  subject  and one  can easily  find out lots  of  information on any  topic  using internet.
4.Book Tickets
            Online booking has made things really easy.  Be it  a  movie ticket  or flight  ticket, you  can  book just  about  anything using  internet.
5.Shop  online
             The use  of  internet is  not  limited merely  to  booking tickets. With  help  of net,  you can do  a full-fledged  online  shopping.On popular e-stores  like  E bay, Amazon etc., one  can  find almost  anything  that he  needs  to buy.
Uses   of Internet  in education:
                                    3.Social sites.
                                    4.Up to  date.
                                    5.Open course ware.
                                    6.Online library`
                                    7.Learn at  anytime  and anywhere.

4)Interactive whiteboard

                          An interactive  whiteboard   is a  large  interactive display  in  the form  factor  of a  whiteboard. It can  either be  a  standalone touchscreen  computer   used independently  to  perform tasks  and  operations, or  a  connectable apparatus  used  as a  projector.
Interactive  whiteboard uses  in  education:
                            1.Improved   learning.
                            2.Increased  participation.
                            3.Enhanced  collaboration.

5) Tablet  Pc

           A tablet Pc, commonly  shortened  to tablet,is  a  thin, flat mobile  computer  with a  touchscreen  display, which  is usually  in color, processing  circuitry, and  a rechargeable  battery  in a  single  device.
Uses   of Tablet  Pc
                      1.The blue  wavelength  of light  from  back-lit tablets  may one’s  ability
to  fall  asleep when  reading  at night, through  the  suppression of  melatonin.
                         2.Experts  at Harvard  Medical School  suggest limiting  tablets  for reading  use  in the evening.
Tablet Pc  Educational Uses:
                            1.Easy to use.
                            2.Direct communication.
                            3.Live knowledge  base.
                            4.Personal  approach.
                            5.Faster visualization.
                            6.Learning  simulations.

     iPad is  a  line of  tablet  computers designed, developed  and  marketed by  Apple  inc., which run  the ios mobile  operating  system. The first iPad  was  released on  April 3,2010;  the most  recent  iPad models  are  the 9-7 inch  iPad  pro released on  march 31,2016  and the  iPad  Mini 4, released  on  sep 9,2015.
Uses  of iPad
                1.iPad tablets  still  have a  wide  margin globally  on  second most  used  Android tablets.
                2.The market  share , however,differs widely  by  regions; and the  iPad has  lost  market share  globally, every  year since 2012.
iPad uses in  education:
               1.The iPad  has several  uses in the  classroom, and  has been praised  as  a
valuable tool  for  homeschooling.
             2.Soon after  the iPad  was  released,it was  reported that 81% of  the top  book  apps were  for  children.

7) iphone

       iPhone is  a  line of  smartphones  designed and marketed  by  Apple Inc.They  run  Apple’s ios mobile  operating  system.
iPhone Uses  in Education:
                       2.Room  Access.
                       3.As Microscopes.
                       4.For  Reporting.
                       5.For  custom campus  Apps.
8)Mobile phone

             1.A mobile  phone is  a  portable telephone  that  can make  and  receive calls  over  a radio  frequency  link while  the  user is  moving  within a telephone  service  area.
               2.In addition  to  telephony, 2000s-era  mobile phones support  a  variety of  other  services, such as  text messaging, MMS, email,Internet access, short-range  wireless  communications, business  applications, gaming, and  digital photography.
Uses of  Mobile phones
            1.A study  by Motorola  found  that one  in  ten mobile phone  subscribers  have
a   second phone  that is  often  kept secret  from   other family  members.
            2.Some organizations  assist  victims of  domestic  violence by  providing  mobile phones  for  use in emergencies.
Mobile phones uses in  Education:
          1.Some schools  encourage  students use  their  phones cameras   to  snap
pictures  for use  as inspiration  in art  classes.
            2. On field  trip, students  can participate  in  scavenger hunts  by snapping  pictures  of items  on a  teacher-supplied list.

9)Digital Cameras

           A digital  camera or  digicam is  a  camera that  produces  digital images  than  can be stored  in  a computer, displayed  on a  screen  and printed. Digital and movie
cameras  share  an optical system, typically  using  a lens  with a  variable diaphragm to focus  light  on to an image  pickup  device.
Uses of  digital cameras
            1.Take photos  of  accident damage  either  of your car  after  a collision or  in  your house  to send  as proof  to the  insurance company.
            2.Remember  addresses and  phone  numbers or other details   from signs  and  things you  see  in the  street.
           3.Take photos   of  adverts in news paper  instead  of tearing  out  and storing  in  our wallet.
Digital camera uses in education:
              1.Encouraging  effort through  immediate  recognition of  achievement.
              2.Recording   students progress.
              3.Analyzing  physical education  activities.

10)Multimedia equipment’s (Audio/Video)

               Multimedia  is content  that  uses a combination  of  different content  forms  such as text, audio, images, animations ,video and  interactive content. Multimedia  devices  are electronic  media   devices used  to  store and  experience  multimedia
Uses  of multimedia  equipment’s (Audio/Video)
                  1.Creative  industries use  multimedia  for a   variety  of purposes  ranging  from fine  arts, to  entertainment, to  commercial art, to  journalism, to media  and software  services  provided for  any of the  industries listed  below.
                 2.An individual  multimedia designer  may  cover the  spectrum  throughout
their  career.
                         3.Much of  the  electronic old  and  new media used  by  commercial artists   and  graphic designers is  multimedia.
Uses of Multimedia   Equipment’s (Audio/Video) in Education:
                         1.Multimedia  is vital  in our  life.
                        2.This is  because  it is  pack   with various  elements  such
as  text, graphic, sound,video  and animation.
                        3.All of  this  element can  be  seen in  our  surrounding.
          4.It is also  used  in various   fields  such as in education, training,business,games and  science  and technology.

11) Skype

      Skype is  an  application that  provides  video chat and  voice call  services. Uses  may exchange  such  digital documents  as  images, text  and  video messages.  Skype  allows creation  of  video conference  calls.
Skype uses
       1.Skype is for  doing  things together, whenever  you’re  apart. Skype’s text, voice  and video  make  it simple  to  share experiences  with  the people that  matter  to you, wherever  they are.
         2.with Skype, you  can  share a  story, celebrate  a birthday,learn  a  language , hold  a meeting , work  with  colleagues-just  about anything  you  need to  do  together every  day.
Skype  Uses in education:
           1.Teachers  can join “Skype   in the  classrooms”.
           2.To allow  their  students to  meet  other students, talk  to  experts, and share  ideas.
           3.There are various  Skype  lessons which  students  can participate.

12) Video conferencing

       Video conferencing  is the conduct  of  video conference  by a  set of telecommunication  technologies which  allow  two  or  more locations  to  communicate by   simultaneous  two-way video  and  audio transmissions.
Video conference uses
                 2.Distance  learning.
                 3. Tele medicine.
                 4.Telecommuting/Home  offices.
                 5.Legal Environment.
Video conference  Uses in  Education:
                  1.Distance  learning videoconferencing  increases  efficiency by.
                  2.Saving travel time  and  expenses.
                  3.Increasing  an instructor’s  audience.
                  4.Traditional  courses.
                  5.Multi-school project  collaboration.
                  6.Connecting  with guest  speakers  and experts.


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